Synonyms that have been used for glomus tumor are angioneuroma, angiosarcoma, Popoff1tumors, tumeur glomique, tumeur du glomus neuromyo-artériel, subcutaneous painful tubercle, angiomyo-neurome, subcutaneous glomae tumor, angioma, perithelioma, false neuroma, glomangiomas and neuromyo-arterial glomus. The glomus unit is a short cut between the arterial and the venous elements. In reality, a more descriptive term is angioneuroma, since besides the vascular elements it consists also of sympathetic nerve fibers interwoven with the finer vessels. It was first described by Hoyer,2but its histologic structure was made clear by Sucquet.3 The diameter of the glomus varies from 60 to 220 microns, the smaller ones being found in the nail beds. The function of the glomus was worked out by Lewis and Pickering4and by Grant and Bland,5who demonstrated its importance in temperature regulation. They showed that the glomus served for the maintenance of the temperature of