The immunological consequences of challenge with bovine tubercle bacilli in badgers (Meles meles)

SUMMARY: Optimal conditions were determined for performing antibody measurements (ELISA), lymphocyte transformation tests and, to some extent, skin tests in badgers. These parameters, together with the bacteriological and pathological studies reported previously (Pritchard et al. 1987), were used to follow the course of intradermal and intratracheal challenge of badgers with bovine tubercle bacilli. Two challenge doses were used for each route of infection and two animals received each dose. None of the four animals challenged by the intratracheal method showed any evidence of infection, suggesting that adult badgers may have some resistance to challenge by this method. All four animals challenged intradermally developed lesion of tuberculosis.Immunologically the disease passed through three phases. There was an early phase in which lymphocyte transformation to whole BCG steadily and significantly increased, and skin tests to tuberculin became positive but there was little change in antibody levels. This was followed by an intermediate phase of variable skin responses, fluctuating lymphocyte transformation and significant increase in antibody levels. The final phase, which was only seen in two animals with extensive disease, was associated with changing skin reactions and falling lymphocyte responses, together with a sudden increase in antibody levels.This paper presents the first formal evidence of cell-mediated immunity to tuberculosis in the badger, which may delay onset and prolong the survival of challenged animals.