Mutually Unbiased Bases, Generalized Spin Matrices and Separability

  • 26 August 2003
A collection of orthonormal bases for a dXd Hilbert space is called mutually unbiased (MUB) if for any two vectors v and w from different bases the square of the inner product equals 1/d: || ^{2}=1/d. The MUB problem is to prove or disprove the the existence of a maximal set of d+1 bases. It has been shown in [W. K. Wootters, B. D. Fields, Annals of Physics, 191, no. 2, 363-381, (1989)] that such a collection exists if d is a power of a prime number p. We revisit this problem and use dX d generalizations of the Pauli spin matrices to give a constructive proof of this result. Specifically we give explicit representations of commuting families of unitary matrices whose eigenvectors solve the MUB problem. Additionally we give formulas from which the orthogonal bases can be readily computed. We show how the techniques developed here provide a natural way to analyze the separability of the bases. The techniques used require properties of algebraic field extensions, and the relevant part of that theory is included in an Appendix.

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