CubicN-vector model and randomly dilute Ising model in general dimensions

Critical properties of models defined by continuous-spin Landau Hamiltonians of cubic symmetry are calculated as functions of spatial dimensionality, 2.8d4, and number of spin components, N. The investigation employs the scaling-field method developed by Golner and Riedel for Wilson's exact momentum-space renormalization-group equation. Fixed points studied include the isotropic and decoupled Ising (2N<), the face-and corner-ordered cubic (1N<), and, via the replica method for N0, the quenched random Ising fixed point. Variations of N and d are used to link the results to exact results or results from other calculational methods, such as ε expansions near two and four dimensions. This establishes the consistency of the calculation for three dimensions. Specifically, truncated sets involving seven (twelve) scaling-field equations are derived for the cubic N-vector model. A stable random Ising fixed point is found and shown to be distinct from the cubic fixed point and to connect, as a function of d, with the Khmelnitskii ε12 fixed point. At d=3, the short truncation yields α0.11 for the pure Ising and α0.09 for the random Ising fixed point. A search for a random tricritical fixed point was inconclusive. For the N-component cubic model, the spin dimensionality Nc, at which the isotropic and cubic fixed points change stability, is determined as a function of d. The results support Nc>3 for three dimensions.