Distribution of p230, an α-spectrin-related polypeptide in normal and psoriatic epidermis and in cultured human keratinocytes

The localization of p230, an immunoanalogue of erythroid .alpha.-spectrin was studied in normal and psoriatic human epidermis and in cultured human keratinocytes. In immunofluorescence microscopy of frozen sections of normal human skin a bright cytoplasmic staining was seen in the cortical area of the keratinocytes. Similar staining was also seen in lesional and uninvolved areas of psoriatic epidermis. The pericytoplasmic localization of p230 could also be seen in cultured human keratinocytes: a lamina-like reticular staining was seen mostly confined to the ventral cytoplasmic aspect and to junctional areas of the cells. Immunoblotting of electrophoretically separated polypeptides of epidermal cells revealed a distinct polypetpide of MW 230 kD [kilodalton]. Apparently, .alpha.-spectrin-like polypeptides form a major cytoskeletal framework in human epidermal cells in both normal and psoriatic skin.