A recent technical advance of the electronic-computer era, digital subtraction angiography (DSA), is assuming a role of increasing importance in the field of diagnostic imaging. Digital data processing is already prevalent in computed tomographic (CT) and nuclear radiology systems. Outside the field of medicine, digital computer image-processing techniques are used extensively to enhance and restore photographic detail and to improve information derived from space exploration.1 One may safely predict that digital video angiography, as well as digital radiologic techniques, will occupy a prominent position in the diagnosis of pediatric disorders in the near future. Digital subtraction angiography is a product of a long search for less invasive methods of studying the cardiovascular system that was started more than 40 years ago.2 The early techniques of intravenous (IV) angiocardiography were cumbersome and involved the injection of large boluses of contrast media through large-bore needles. While photographic and electronic methods

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