Analysis of Optokinetic Nystagmus in Patients with Localized Lesions of Unilateral Visual Cortices

Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) asymmetry in 4 patients with localized lesions of the unilateral visual cortices (2 in the right hemisphere and 2 in the left hemisphere), confirmed at autopsy or by CAT scan, was detected by computer analysis. The ENG recordings showed typical asymmetry of OKP: lower amplitude in the contralateral optokinetic pattern (OKP) than on the side with the visual cortex lesion. Analysis of this asymmetry revealed lower amplitude, remarkably impaired slow-phase velocity, and mildly impaired fast-phase velocity, with a slight difference in number of OKN. The findings suggested that asymmetry of OKP in patients with localized lesions of the unilateral visual cortices is primarily caused by the impaired slow-phase velocity of the contralateral OKN because of a slight change in number of OKN.