Robust 3D DFT video watermarking

This paper proposes a new approach for digital watermarking and secure copyright protection of videos, the principal aim being to discourage illicit copying and distribution of copyrighted material. The method presented here is based on the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of three dimensional chunks of video scene, in contrast with previous works on video watermarking where each video frame was marked separately, or where only intra-frame or motion compensation parameters were marked in MPEG compressed videos. Two kinds of information are hidden in the video: a watermark and a template. Both are encoded using an owner key to ensure the system security and are embedded in the 3D DFT magnitude of video chunks. The watermark is a copyright information encoded in the form of a spread spectrum signal. The template is a key based grid and is used to detect and invert the effect of frame-rate changes, aspect-ratio modification and rescaling of frames. The template search and matching is performed in the log-log-log map of the 3D DFT magnitude. The performance of the presented technique is evaluated experimentally and compared with a frame-by-frame 2D DFT watermarking approach.

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