Two-fluid matter-quintessence FLRW models: energy transfer and the equation of state of the universe

Recent observations support the view that the universe is described by a FLRW model with $\Omega_m^0 \approx 0.3$, $\Omega_{\Lambda}^0 \approx 0.7$, and $w \leq -1/3$ at the present epoch. There are several theoretical suggestions for the cosmological $\Lambda$ component and for the particular form of the energy transfer between this dark energy and matter. This gives a strong motive for a systematic study of general properties of two-fluid FLRW models. We consider a combination of one perfect fluid, which is quintessence with negative pressure ($p_Q = w\epsilon_Q$), and another perfect fluid, which is a mixture of radiation and/or matter components with positive pressure ($p = \beta \epsilon_m$), which define the associated one-fluid model ($p = \gamma \epsilon$). We introduce a useful classification which contains 4 classes of models defined by the presence or absence of energy transfer and by the stationarity ($w = const.$ and $\beta = const.$) or/and non stationarity ($w$ or $\beta$ time dependent) of the equations of state. It is shown that, for given $w$ and $\beta$, the energy transfer defines $\gamma$ and, therefore, the total gravitating mass and dynamics of the model. We study important examples of two-fluid FLRW models within the new classification. The behaviour of the energy content, gravitating mass, pressure, and the energy transfer are given as functions of the scale factor. We point out three characteristic scales, $a_E$, $a_{\cal P}$ and $a_{\cal M}$, which separate periods of time in which quintessence energy, pressure and gravitating mass dominate. Each sequence of the scales defines one of 6 evolution types.

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