A World Ecoregions Map for Resource Reporting

An international project is proposed to create a map showing the world subdivided into macroecosystem regions within each of which ecological conditions are relatively uniform but which show certain natural potentials and limitations. The map should tend to supplement the Dasmann-Udvardy system of biogeographical provinces, being of higher resolution and greater ecological relevance. The primary purpose of the map will be to serve as a reporting structure for information about global resources and environment, though it will be based largely on published information.Maps based on classification of climatic types, vegetation formations, and soil groups, will be synthesized and generalized to delineate the areas to be shown on the ecoregion map. Its delineations will be refined through consultations with local experts, and through the interpretation of low-resolution remote-sensing imagery. The usefulness of the map is considered favourably in relation to national-level policy analysis, environmental monitoring, transfer of agricultural technology, compatibility with remote-sensing systems for monitoring environmental conditions, and agricultural activities, biomass estimation, macroreserve selection, and land management.

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