Leydig-Cell Agenesis

We studied a 35-year-old patient with female external genitalia, primary amenorrhea and XY karyotype. Plasma testosterone was 10 ng per deciliter, which did not change after administration of human chorionic gonadotropin, increased to 22 ng per deciliter after ACTH, and decreased to 0.9 ng per deciliter after dexamethasone. Plasma Δ4-androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone were in the normal range. Plasma luteinizing hormone was high, but follicle-stimulating hormone normal (7.5 mlU per milliliter). There were two testes with epididymis and vas deferens, but no Müllerian structures. Microscopical examination showed hyalinization of tubules, which were lined by normal Sertoli cells and occasional immature germ cells. No Leydig cells were seen. After castration follicle-stimulating hormone increased to 43 mlU per milliliter.