Standardization of the post-irradiation method to eliminate primary fluorescence in cytofluorometry

Thorough irradiation of specimen with the strong excitation light after fluorescent Feulgen staining destroys the primary fluorescence in the background with stabilization of specific fluorescence of pararosaniline (post-irradiation method). An apparatus to perform effective post-irradiation was developed and irradiation condition for DNA cytofluorometry on a pararosaniline Feulgen stained smear was standardized. After 10 h irradiation on this condition, the primary fluorescence in the background is almost completely cleared away. Proportionality between amount of fluorescence and DNA content is perfectly preserved and standard deviation in each class of ploidy becomes to be less than 5% of the mean DNA value. The standardized post-irradiation enables us to obtain reproducibly the same values of fluorescence on Feulgen stained nuclei of the same cell population in different smears even if the staining conditions in Schiff's solution might be different to some extent.