Computer simulation of genetic control. Comparison of sterile males and field-female killing systems

A computer program, GENCON, designed to simulate genetic control using field-female killing systems, is described. These systems incorporate sex-linked translocations and conditional lethal mutations. Genetic death in field populations is caused by semisterility of the translocation and by homozygosis of the mutations in females and non-translocation males of field origin. Simulations using the program compare the effectiveness, in populations regulated by density, of genetic control using this type of system with control using sterile-male release. At high release rates, sterile males cause more rapid suppression and earlier eradication than sex-linked translocation strains. However, if releases are interrupted before eradication, the rate of recovery of density-dependent populations is more rapid following sterile-male release than following suppression with translocation strains. In such populations, the cumulative population suppression (number of individuals killed) is greater with translocation-strain release than with sterile-male release. At low release rates, sex-linked translocation strains can be much more effective at suppressing and eradicating density-dependent populations than sterile males. In continental Australia, eradication of the sheep blowfly Lucilia cuprina is probably not practicable. A suppression campaign using sex-linked translocation strains could yield a higher benefit to cost ratio than one using sterile males.