Platyhelminth parasites of muskrats (Ondatra zibethica) in New Brunswick

During the summers of 1975 and 1976, 35 muskrats were examined for parasitic helminths. Twelve species of platyhelminths were recovered, including nine species of Digenea and three species of Cestoda. Muskrats collected from the streams and backwaters of the Miramichi River area harboured nine species of parasites compared with seven species recovered from both the Magaguadavic Lake area and the St. John River area, and five species recovered from muskrats on the Jolicure marshes. Quinqueserialis quinqueserialis showed the highest incidence of infection in all muskrats examined. Nudacotyle novicia and Echinoparyphium sp. showed the highest intensities of infection. Opisthorchis tonkae and Andrya macrocephala are recorded from muskrats in Canada for the first time. A possible explanation is given for the absence of Echinostoma revolutum in muskrats from marsh habitats.

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