Proaleurain vacuolar targeting is mediated by short contiguous peptide interactions.

Targeting of soluble proteins to the plant vacuole is mediated by determinants that reside in the polypeptide. We identified the vacuolar targeting determinant of aleurain, a plant vacuolar thiol protease, by incorporating different sequences from proaleurain into the secreted thiol protease, proendoproteinase B (proEP-B), and vice versa. The targeting fates of the chimeric proteins were analyzed by transient expression in electroporated tobacco protoplasts. The targeting determinant SSSSFADSNPIR is positioned at the N terminus of the aleurain propeptide, and its substitution into the propeptide of EP-B caused vacuolar targeting of the resulting chimeric protein. This determinant can be divided into two smaller determinants, SSSSFADS and SNPIR, each of which is sufficient to target proEP-B chimeras to the vacuole, but with lower efficiency. These smaller determinants interact in a positive manner because the combined determinant SSSSFADSNPIR targeted proEP-B with an efficiency greater than each of the smaller determinants alone. Accordingly, the efficiency of aleurain targeting was decreased when either of the smaller determinants was disrupted by replacement with similarly positioned proEP-B sequences. Further experiments on proaleurain identified an additional determinant, VTDRAAST, adjacent to the SSSSFADSNPIR determinant that is also necessary for efficient vacuolar targeting. Our results provide evidence that efficient vacuolar targeting of this thiol protease in plant cells is mediated by the combined action of smaller contiguous determinants; two of these alone are sufficient for vacuolar targeting.