We generalize the Kuramoto model for coupled phase oscillators by allowing the frequencies to drift in time according to Ornstein-Uhlenbeck dynamics. Such drifting frequencies were recently measured in cellular populations of circadian oscillator and inspired our work. Linear stability analysis of the Fokker-Planck equation for an infinite population is amenable to exact solution and we show that the incoherent state is unstable past a critical coupling strength Kc(γ,σf), where γ is the inverse characteristic drifting time and σf the asymptotic frequency dispersion. Expectedly Kc agrees with the noisy Kuramoto model in the large γ (Schmolukowski) limit but increases slower as γ decreases. Asymptotic expansion of the solution for γ0 shows that the noiseless Kuramoto model with Gaussian frequency distribution is recovered in that limit. Thus varying a single parameter allows us to interpolate smoothly between two regimes: one dominated by the frequency dispersion and the other by phase diffusion.