Lysergic acid diethylamide: Evidence for stimulation of pituitary dopamine receptors

Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 0.05 mg/kg and 0.20 mg/kg, significantly decreased plasma prolactin (PRL) levels in male rats. LSD, 0.20 mg/kg, also inhibits the increase in plasma PRL levels produced by chlorpromazine (CPZ), 5 mg/kg, and alpha-methylparatyrosine (AMPT), 50 mg/kg, both of which interfere with dopaminergic inhibition of PRL secretion. LSD was more potent than methysergide, a serotonin receptor blocker, in lowering plasma PRL levels and more potent than apomorphine, a known direct acting dopamine agonist, in blocking the increase in plasma PRL produced by quipazine, a 5-HT agonist. These results suggest LSD has potent dopamine agonist properties on the rat pituitary or hypothalamic dopamine receptors which directly or indirectly inhibit PRL secretion.