Interplay of the Boltzmann-type ordinary transport and quantum corrections in Ag-Cu-Ge amorphous alloy system. II. Temperature dependence of Hall coefficient

For pt.I see ibid., vol.18, p.1995 (1988). The Hall coefficient RH has been measured for a series of (Ag0.5Cu0.5)1-xGex amorphous alloys in the temperature range 1.5-300 K. The value of RH for x=0.2 is temperature independent over the whole temperature range, whereas that for x=0.5, 0.6 and 0.7 exhibits a T1/2 temperature dependence below about 50 K. The temperature-independent Hall coefficient can be taken as evidence for the negligible contribution of the quantum corrections, lending support to the analysis based on the Boltzmann-type ordinary scattering mechanism for the low-resistivity data in the preceding paper. On the other hand, the square-root temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient provides clear evidence for the dominant role of the electron-electron interaction in high-resistivity alloys.