In vitro inhibition of membrane-mediated calcification by novel phosphonates

The effects of a series of novel phosphonates on the kinetics of mineral development in an ionophore-primed 7:2:1 phosphatidylcholine (PC): dicetylphosphate (DCP): cholesterol (Chol) liposomal model system are reported. When present at 2.5 μmol/liter or 25 μmol/liter concentrations in the solution surrounding the liposomes, the investigated phosphonates did not significantly delay the initial formation of hydroxyapatite-like calcium phosphate salts (HAP) within the liposomes or the penetration of HAP crystals through the enclosing membranes. However, the phosphonates variably retarded the subsequent growth and proliferation of the HAP crystals once they became directly exposed to the phosphonate-containing solution. The effectiveness of phosphonates in inhibiting extraliposomal precipitation strongly depended on their structure. The inhibitory action on active surface growth sites of released intraliposomal crystals was found to be the most effective if the phosphonate molecule, contained two phosphonic groups linked to the same C atom. At a phosphonate concentration of 25 μmol/liter, the, following general order of effectiveness was established: geminal bisphosphonate≥geminal tetrakisphosphonate > bisacylphosphonates > monoacyl-phosphonate > bisalkylphosphonate. Within the bisacylphosphonate family, the highest inhibitory action was observed when four of five-CH2-groups separated the ketophosphonic groups.