Recordings of afferent discharges from external intercostal muscle spindles were made from in-continuity dorsal roots of anesthetized, paralyzed cats and the afferents were characterized as described of Kirkwood and Sears (1982). The strengths and time courses of the raised probabilities of firing of external intercostal motoneurons evoked by the synaptic actions of impulses in the afferents were measured by constructing cross-correlation histograms from the discharges of the individual afferents and the discharges of the motoneurons, which were simultaneously recorded from the cut central ends of intercostal nerve filaments. Other dorsal roots, apart from the rootlet containing the afferent fiber, were cut to prevent afferent synchronization from affecting the results. Cross-correlation histograms involving single efferent discharges showed narrow peaks (mean half-width 0.99 m3) at monosynaptic latencies. This mean half-width is slightly longer than the mean rise-time of the e.p.s.p. described by Kirkwood and Sears, but much shorter than the mean half-width of those e.p.s.p.s. These measurements, together with the shapes of individual histogram peaks confirm the prediction of Kirkwood and Sears (1978) that the shape of such a peak should be approximated by the time differential of the underlying e.p.s.p. plus the e.p.s.p. time course itself. Amplitudes of the peaks were also consistent with the predictions of Kirkwood and Sears (1978). The cross-correlation histograms involving multi-unit efferent discharges were entirely consistent with those involving single efferent discharges and were used to demonstrate the patterns of projections of individual afferents to different groups of intercostal motoneurons. Individual afferents excited .alpha. motoneurons of all spike sizes in the intercostal filament recordings but excitation of .gamma. motoneurons was not detected. Individual afferents excited motoneurons of the same segment and both adjacent segments, but no projection beyond these was detected. The amplitude of the multi-unit cross-correlation peak was taken as a measure of the over-all strength of the connections to a given segment. When this amplitude was measured for motoneurons of the same segment as the afferent, for 16 of 19 afferents there was a highly significant positive correlation with the conduction velocity of the afferent. The remaining 3 afferents gave a strength of connection which appeared to be much stronger than would be expected from the rest of the population of afferents. The strength of connection to adjacent segments was generally lower than to the same segment.