Effects of oxytocin on cation content and electrophysiology of frog skin epithelium

We measured effects of oxytocin on current-voltage (I-V) relations of frog (Rana catesbeiana) skins impaled with an intracellular microelectrode. In both Cl- and Cl--free (SO4-) solutions, oxytocin caused an approximate doubling in short-circuit current (Isc) and a depolarization of the cell membrane. Increase in apical membrane slope conductance, chord conductance, and permeability after oxytocin correlated with the increase in amiloride-sensitive Isc. Oxytocin also increased basolateral membrane conductance (gb). In Cl-, the shift in the voltage intercept of the apical membrane I-V relation (Ea) implied increased intracellular Na+ activity (aNac) after oxytocin. In isolated frog skin epithelia, a similar increase in intracellular [Na+] after oxytocin was demonstrated by flame photometry. In SO42-, changes caused by oxytocin in both Ea and in flame photometrically determined cell [Na+] were minimal. The voltage intercept of the basolateral membrane I-V relations (Eb) was shifted by oxytocin in both Cl- and SO42- solutions. Assuming that the basolateral membrane is selectively permeable to K+, changes in K+ obtained from Eb were in disagreement with those obtained by flame photometry. These results suggest that 1) the increase in aNac caused by oxytocin is not essential to produce either the increase in gb or Isc and 2) ions other than K+ make an important contribution to basolateral membrane conductance.