Pupillary Responses During Ophthalmodynamometry

Introduction The loss of a direct pupillary reflex to light with retention of the consensual reflex is a classic finding in unilateral blindness. It should follow that identical results would occur when an eye is rendered nonseeing by ophthalmodynamometry. Attempts have been made to establish the validity of this reasoning but were unsuccessful using conventional methods of ophthalmodynamometry.1 In 1954 it was reported that the pupils continued to react during blackout produced by positive acceleration on the human centrifuge.2 Similar conclusions were reported by Howard.3 However, in more carefully controlled experiments utilizing cinematographic recordings, direct observation, and indirect observations via television these earlier findings were refuted.4 Thus, it has been established beyond question that during blackout due to positive acceleration the pupillary light reflexes are abolished. Recently, a transparent plethysmographic goggle has been constructed whereby retinal anoxia and amaurosis can be produced. The pupillary responses during

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