Cytokeratin Expression Patterns in the Rat Respiratory Tract as Markers of Epithelial Differentiation in Inhalation Toxicology. II. Changes in Cytokeratin Expression Patterns Following 8-Day Exposure to Room-Aged Cigarette Sidestream Smoke

The expression of specific cytokeratin (CK) polypeptide patterns is a sensitive marker of the cytoskeletal differentiation of epithelial cells. We developed an immunohistochemical method to assess CK expression patterns in the rat respiratory tract using serial paraffin-embedded sections from the nasal cavity, trachea, and lung. In the present study, this method was used to detect exposure-related differences in CK expression patterns in adult Wistar rats following inhalation of room-aged sidestream smoke (11 mg total particulate matter/m3 air, 8 days, 12 hr/day, whole body). In the anterior nasal cavity level 1 (NL1), changes in CK expression patterns were observed in the respiratory epithelium of the lateral wall and the maxilloturbinate (CK14, CK15, and CK18) and in the squamous epithelium of the ventral meatus (CK13). At nasal'cavity level 2 (NL2), immediately behind NL1, changes were observed in the olfactory epithelium (CK13, CK14, and CK18) and in the respiratory epithelium of the septum (CK7 and CK19), the lateral wall (CK7 and CK13), and the lateral aspect of the maxilloturbinate (CK14). Changes were also observed in the submucosal glands, nasolacrimal duct, and vomeronasal organ. In the trachea only CK7 expression changed, and in the lung expression of CK7 (bronchioli) and CK8 (bronchus) changed; the expression of other CK polypeptides did not change. The observed changes in CK expression at NL1 correlated with the histomorphological changes, whereas CK expression changes were also seen in the olfactory and respiratory epithelia at NL2 and in the trachea and lung, where no histomorphological changes were seen. These findings indicate that changes in CK expression in respiratory tract epithelial cells are a sensitive marker for cellular stress response.