Mutations were induced in synchronous Chinese hamster cells by bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) incorporated into cells for one-hour periods in the cell cycle. There was a very pronounced temporal dependence during the first half of the DNA synthesis period for the induction of damage leading to 6-thioguanine (6TG) and ouabain resistance. No mutants above background were induced by exposure to BUdR in G1 and G2 cells, and very few mutants were induced in the latter part of the DNA synthesis period. The peak for the induction of 6TG resistance occurs at about two hr in the DNA synthesis period; one hour later there is a peak for the induction of ouabain resistance. Both peaks occur before the time of maximum incorporation of BUdR into DNA. These results suggest that the mutagenesis by BUdR is associated with at least two nuclear genes, which replicate at two hr and three hr in the DNA synthesis period.