Finite-size studies of phases and dimerization in one-dimensional extended Peierls-Hubbard models

We study extended Hubbard and Peierls-Hubbard models with up to N=10 sites and half-filled bands with modified boundary conditions. For the extended Hubbard model, the finite-size dependence of the transition from the charge-density-wave regime (CDW) to the spin-density-wave (SDW) regime and of the condensation transition is critically examined, clarifying some previous results. For the Peierls-Hubbard model and N≤10 with modified periodic boundary conditions, we always see a decrease of dimerization with U. Extrapolating these results to infinite N, we find that dimerization is enhanced by U for small electron-phonon coupling α̃U for 0.75<α̃≤1. By extending this model by a nearest-neighbor repulsion V, the amplitude of dimerization reaches a maximum at the same value U≤2V, where the CDW-to-SDW transition occurs in the extended Hubbard model.

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