Patch currents in the cell attached-mode and action potentials (AP) have been recorded simultaneously in internodal cells of Chara corallina. The action potentials are closely correlated with transient patch currents. With pipettes containing either 50 mm CaCl2 or 100 nm KCl plus 1 or 5 mm CaCl2, these transients measured up to 100 to 200 pA per patch at zero mV. Transients had a mean duration (time during which the current was ≥ half maximum peak amplitude) of about 1 sec, a maximum slope for current rising of about 400 pA sec−1 and a maximum rate of about 100 pA sec−1 for current decay, with no obvious effect of external Ca2+ on either of these parameters. In well-resolved recordings of current transients triggered by an action potential (AP), activities of two types of Cl-conducting channels (15 and 38 pS) have been identified. Since activity of these channels was only observed during action potentials but not upon positive voltage steps, these channels are not directly voltage gated but point to a cytoplasmic gating factor which accumulates during excitation and propagates from excited areas to the patch. A K+-conducting channel (40 pS) could be identified as well during an AP, when 100 mm KCl was in the pipette solution. The activity of this channel relaxed at the end of the APs with a time constant of about 3 sec. Stimulated activity of this channel is understood to cause the repolarization overshoot during the final phase of the action potential, whereas the transient activation of the Cl channels determines the fast voltage changes of the action potential.