Fermentation De La Cellulose Et Absorption d'Acides Gras Volatils Au Niveau Du Cæcum Du Lapin

Digestion of cellulose occurs in the czecum of the rabbit, in a manner similar to that of rumen fermentation in ruminants. Cæcal contents exhibit cellulolytic properties. When incubated with extracts of cæcal contents, with the exclusion of oxygen, at 37° C., colloïdal cellulose as well as carboxymethylcellulose are fermented into volatile fatty acids. These acids are easibly absorbed by the cmecal epithelium, as attested by the fact that the amounts of volatile fatty acids in the blood of the mesenteric anterior vein are 8 to 10 times higher than in the blood of the mesenteric and carotid arteries.