Determination of nuclear DNA of five Eucoccidian parasites, Isospora (Toxoplasma) gondii, Sarcocystis cruzi, Eimeria tenella, E. acervulina and Plasmodium berghei, with special reference to gamontogenesis and meiosis in I. (T.) gondii

SUMMARY: DNA contents of individual stages of Isospora (Toxoplasma) gondii and other Eucoccida were measured after Feulgen-pararosaniline (SO2) staining either by direct microfluorometry or by scanning of microphotographic negatives. Frequency distributions were analysed using a computer program based on a mathematical model describing cell division. All stages of I. (T.) gondii, except fertilized macrogametes (2c), contained a haploid amount of DNA (1c), indicating that meiosis in I. (T.) gondii occurs during sporogony. Microgametes possessed 3·3% DNA in excess, presumably mitochondrial DNA. Nuclei of M2-and M3-merozoites differed in two characteristics: a small but distinct nucleolus was observed in almost 50% of the M2-merozoites but in none of the M3-merozoites; all M2 merozoites were strictly haploid, while all M3-merozoites were synthesizing DNA (17% above the haploid value). It may be concluded that all M2- and M3-merozoites are already sexually differentiated, i.e. are macro- and microgamontoblasts, respectively. DNA synthesis necessary for the development of the microgamont starts already in the microgamontoblast stage (M3-merozoite). M2-merozoites macrogametes, synthesize 11% extra DNA before fertilization, (after fertilization an extra amount of 12% of the diploid value was found), probably by amplification of genes for proteins which are needed for rapid maturation and later sporogony. Essentially parallel results have been found in Eimeria tenella and in crescent cystozoites of Sarcocystis cruzi. Absolute DNA values in representatives of the Eucoccida have been estimated as follows (10−15 g): I. (T.) gondii, 96; E. tenella and E. acervulina, both 75; S. cruzi, 216; Plasmodium berghei, 27. The value of the estimation of total haploid amounts as a tool in taxonomy of Eucoccida is discussed.