The dynamical system approach to scalar field cosmology

A spatially flat FLRW universe (motivated by inflation) is studied; by a dimensional reduction of the dynamical equations of scalar field cosmology, it is demonstrated that a spatially flat universe cannot exhibit chaotic behaviour. The result holds when the source of gravity is a non-minimally coupled scalar field, for any self-interaction potential and for arbitrary values of the coupling constant with the Ricci curvature. The phase space of the dynamical system is studied, and regions inaccessible to the evolution are found. The topology of the forbidden regions, their dependence on the parameters, the fixed points and their stability character, and the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions are studied. New attractors are found, in addition to those known from the minimal coupling case, certain exact solutions are presented and the implications for inflation are discussed. The equation of state is not prescribed a priori , but rather is deduced self-consistently from the field equations.