Comparison of Continuous Epidural Infusion of Fentanyl-Bupivacaine and Morphine-Bupivacaine in Management of Postoperative Pain

N patients having cesarean sections. Postoperative evaluations included the frequency and magnitude of clinically evident respiratory depression, the adequacy of analgesia, nausea, pruritis, the ability to ambulate, and other side effects for 24 hours. Analgesia and the number of supplemental narcotic injections needed were similar in both groups. The incidence of nausea and pruritis was significantly less in the patients receiving fentanyl. No patient developed respiratory depression in either group. Patient and staff acceptance of the continuous epidural technique was excellent because there were only minor catheter-related problems associated with its use. It is concluded that continuous epidural fentanyl combined with bupivacaine offers excellent postoperative analgesia with minimal side effects. Address correspondence to Dr. Fischer, Department of Anesthesiology, Rush Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, 1753 W. Congress Parkway, Chicago, IL 60612. Presented in part at the 61st Congress of the International Anesthesia Research Society, March 14-18, 1987, Orlando, FL. Accepted for publication January 25, 1988. © 1988 International Anesthesia Research Society...