Study of pretransitional behavior of laser-field-induced molecular alignment in isotropic nematic substances

We have measured the optical Kerr effect and the intensity-dependent ellipse rotation in order to study the pretransitional behavior of field-induced molecular alignment in the isotropic nematic substances p-methoxy-benzylidene pn-butylaniline (MBBA) and p-ethoxy-benzylidene-p-butylaniline (EBBA). The results agree well with predictions of the Landau—de Gennes model. Both the order-parameter relaxation time and the steady-state field-induced birefringence show critical divergence towards the isotropic → nematic transition with a (TT*)1 temperature dependence. In the case of MBBA, our results are also consistent with the results from light scattering, but the method we use is perhaps more straightforward and accurate. The nonlinear refractive indices and other relevant parameters of the materials are derived from the experiment.