Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins

A model called SWRRB (Simulator for Water Resources in Rural Basins) was developed for simulating hydrologic and related processes in rural basins. The objective in model development was to predict the effect of management decisions on water and sediment yields with reasonable accuracy for ungaged rural basins throughout the United States. The three major components of SWRRB are weather, hydrology, and sedimentation. Processes considered include surface runoff, percolation, return flow, evapotranspiration, pond and reservoir storage, and sedimentation. The SWRRB model was developed by modifying the CREAMS (Chemicals, Runoff, and Erosion from Agricultural Management Systems) daily rainfall hydrology model for application to large, complex, rural basins. The major changes were: (1) A return flow component was added; (2) the model was expanded to allow simultaneous computations on several sub‐basins; (3) a reservoir storage component was added for use in determining the effects of farm ponds and other reserv...