Reaeration of Oxygen in Shallow, Macrophyte Rich Streams: I – Determination of the Reaeration Rate Coefficient

The rate coefficient K2 for the exchange of oxygen between flowing water and the atmosphere (reaeration) has been studied in six Danish streams covering a relatively wide range of hydraulic conditions, pollutional loading, and macrophyte abundance. 103 K2‐measurements were performed in 1978–85.82 measurements were obtained applying 5 different indirect methods all balancing the sources and sinks of stream dissolved oxygen under conditions of normal operation of the system (3 methods) and under artificial depletion of the oxygen concentration of the stream water by addition of sodium sulphite (2 methods). 21 K2‐values were determined directly applying a gaseous tracer (krypton‐85) for reaeration.Guidelines for selecting a proper method to determine K2 knowing macrophyte biomass and loading characteristics of the particular stream are provided.