Predicting adult temperament from minor physical anomalies.

Investigated the relation between minor physical anomalies (MPAs) and temperament in adults. 49 female and 39 male undergraduates completed a battery of personality tests, including the Extraversion scale of Eysenck's Personality Inventory and the Jenkins Activity Survey, and lifestyle questions. Ss were also examined for MPAs. The index of MPAs for each S was simply the total count out of 17 measurable characteristics of the face, hands, and feet. Results show a pattern of correlates parallel to that found in children. Among male Ss correlations with MPAs were significant for the Physical Activity and Clumsiness factors of the lifestyle inventory as well as for measures of emotionality, extraversion, masculinity, femininity, and Type A (coronary prone) personality. The MPA index was also predictive of a behavioral index of temperament in male Ss. No correlations were significant among female Ss. (66 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

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