Neutron and Proton Spectra from Targets Bombarded by 160-MeV Protons

Secondary-neutron spectral data in the energy range between 50 and 160 MeV from targets bombarded by 160-MeV protons have been measured using a proton-recoil spectrometer. Secondary-proton measurements were also made using this spectrometer. The target materials were water, deuterium, beryllium, carbon, aluminum, copper, cobalt, and bismuth; and measurements were made at 0, 10, 45, 60, and 135 deg. Target thicknesses ranged from thin targets in which the primary beam lost only a small amount of energy to thick targets in which the primary beam was completely stopped. The thin-target measurements are expressed as cross sections, and the remainder of the results are expressed as yields. Energy resolutions of 25 and 15% are associated with the neutron and proton spectra, respectively. The results are compared with theoretical results obtained from Monte Carlo nuclear-cascade codes.

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