Renormalization of loop functions for all loops

It is shown that the vacuum expectation values W(C1,,Cn) of products of the traces of the path-ordered phase factors Pexp[igCiAμ(x)dxμ] are multiplicatively renormalizable in all orders of perturbation theory. Here Aμ(x) are the vector gauge field matrices in the non-Abelian gauge theory with gauge group U(N) or SU(N), and Ci are loops (closed paths). When the loops are smooth (i.e., differentiable) and simple (i.e., non-self-intersecting), it has been shown that the generally divergent loop functions W become finite functions W̃ when expressed in terms of the renormalized coupling constant and multiplied by the factors eKL(Ci), where K is linearly divergent and L(Ci) is the length of Ci. It is proved here that the loop functions remain multiplicatively renormalizable even if the curves have any finite number of cusps (points of nondifferentiability) or cross points (points of self-intersection). If Cγ is a loop which is smooth and simple except for a single cusp of angle γ, then WR(Cγ)=Z(γ)W̃(Cγ) is finite for a suitable renormalization factor Z(γ) which depends on γ but on no other characteristic of Cγ. This statement is made precise by introducing a regularization, or via a loop-integrand subtraction scheme specified by a normalization condition WR(C¯γ)=1 for an arbitrary but fixed loop C¯γ. Next, if Cβ is a loop which is smooth and simple except for a cross point of angles β, then W̃(Cβ) must be renormalized together with the loop functions of associated sets Siβ={Ci1,,Cipi} (i=2,,I) of loops Ciq which coincide with certain parts of CβC11. Then WR(Siβ)=Zij(β)W̃(Sjβ) is finite for a suitable matrix Zij(β). Finally, for a loop with r cross points of angles β1,,βr and s cusps of angles γ1,,γs, the corresponding renormalization matrices factorize locally as Zi1j1(β1)Zirjr(βr)Z(γ1)Z(γs).