Malignant lymphoma presenting as an ovarian tumour: a clinicopathological analysis of 34 cases

Summary. The clinicopathological features of 34 patients with malignant lymphoma or leukaemia where the initial presentation was as an ovarian tumour are described. Nineteen patients died, usually within 1 year of diagnosis, whilst 15 survived, some for long periods. Factors indicating a poor prognosis were rapid onset of abdominal symptoms, the presence of systemic symptoms, bilateral ovarian tumours, advanced stage and a histological pattern other than that of a B‐cell lymphoma. For staging purposes the Ann Arbor method appeared a more sensitive prognostic indicator than did the FIGO staging system. It is suggested that primary malignant lymphomas of the ovary are extremely rare and that for therapeutic purposes all lymphomas of the ovary should be regarded as local manifestations of systemic disease.