Serum 5'Nucleotidase Activity in Rats: A Method for Automated Analysis and Criteria for Interpretation

Summary: A manual kit for determining serum 5'nucleotidase (5'NT, EC activity was adapted for use with rat samples on a large discrete clinical chemistry analyzer. The precision of the method was good (within‐run C.V. = 2.14%; between‐run C.V. = 5.5%). A comparison of the new automated method with a manual and semi‐automated method gave regression statistics of y = 1.18x − 3.66 (Sy·x = 4.54), and y = 0.733x + 1.97 (Sy·x = 1.69), respectively. Temperature conversion factors provided by the kit manufacturer for human samples were determined to be inaccurate for converting results from rat samples. Analysis of components contributing to normal variation in rat serum 5'NT activity showed age and sex to be major factors. Increased serum 5'NT activity was observed in female rats when compared to male rats beginning at about 5 to 6 weeks of age. An analysis of variance of serum 5'NT, alkaline phosphatase, and GGT activities observed over a 9‐week period in normal rats suggests several advantages for 5'NT as a predictor of biliary lesions in rats.

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