Stature- and Age-Related Bias in Self-Reported Stature

The use of reported stature, especially self-reported stature such as on a driver's license, as a proxy for measured stature is necessary when measured stature is unavailable, for example, in matching data calculated from skeletal remains with data for missing persons. The accuracy of self-reported stature for older persons and especially for tall and short people is not well ascertained. Examination of published reports provides evidence that beginning at age 45, people compound their stature overestimation by an additional amount related to age (women by twice the amount of men). Analysis of anthropometric data from 8000 U.S. Army personnel indicates that the amount of general overestimation of stature by men is 2 ½ times greater than that by women. Neither tall men nor tall women underestimate their stature, but men in the upper third of the stature range, and women in the upper 10%, self-report their stature with greater accuracy. No trends in accuracy are apparent in the remainder of the stature spectrum for men or women.