Intra-Urethral and Intra-Vesical Pressure in Continent Women

Two age-groups of continent women were examined regarding the pressures in the urethra and the bladder, using a standardized recording technique with a microtransducer catheter. The 2 groups of women (mean age 28 and 54 yr) were examined concerning their urethral pressure profile at every 100 ml bladder filing until the maximal bladder capacity was reached. The functional length of the urethra and the bladder pressure were the same for all women, but the maximal urethral pressure decreased significantly with age (mean 61.5 and 39 mm Hg in the 2 groups). At increasing bladder filling only the younger group was able to respond with an increase in the maximal urethral pressure. The bladder volume at which severe tenesmi occurred was significantly higher in the elderly group.