Computed Tomography of Masses in Periportal/Hepatoduodenal Ligament

The CT findings in 70 patients with masses in or adjacent to the porta hepatis/hepatoduodenal ligament were analyzed. Underlying disease processes included metastatic disease (44 cases), lymphoma/leukemia (10 cases), biliary carcinoma (seven cases), hepatoma (four cases), benign disease (three cases), and gallbladder carcinoma (two cases). Location of the mass was confirmed in 62 patients and showed six patterns: four along the hepatoduodenal ligament or within the porta hepatis: another within the liver impinging on the hepatoduodenal ligament/porta hepatis: the sixth, an intraductal mass. Of the masses along the hepatoduodenal ligament or within the porta hepatis the four patterns were (a) well defined nodular masses caused by discrete nodes: (b) matted masses due to confluent adenopathy: (c) mixed, well defined and confluent masses in various locations along the hepatoduodenal ligament: (d) infiltrating, enhancing soft tissue densities obscuring the portal vein margins. No disease specific pattern was seen; nonetheless, knowledge of these patterns is very helpful in detection of masses in this region.