A Translation of Otto Binswanger's Article, 'The Delineation of the Generalized Progressive Paralyses'

The task with which the esteemed committee of our society has charged me, that is, the introduction of the discussion on the definition of generalized progressive paresis by the characterization of the important aspects of the condition, can be divided into three parts: (1) consideration of the anatomic criteria, (2) the causes, and (3) the clinical course.I shall attempt a brief examination of those of the characteristic features of progressive paresis that allow its differential diagnosis from other similar and related conditions, basing my considerations on all three of these aspects. I hope I may be allowed to observe, however, that the limited scope of this short report will allow me to do no more than give an imprecise indication of the clinical picture and that I hope a more exact representation of the whole or of individual parts of the whole will emerge from the discussion.The first