Ultrasensitive polychromatic silver staining of sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gels with the Gelcode system using the PhastSystem Development Unit

The Gelcode color‐based silver staining system, an improved formulation based on the original publication by Sammons et al. (Electrophoresis 1981, 2, 141–147) has been adapted to automated rapid staining in the PhastSystem Development Unit. The use of elevated temperatures in the fixation, washing, staining, and stabilization steps of the protocol reduces the total time of the process from 18 h to 1 h. The limit of detection, which is at least tenfold more sensitive than the silver staining protocol recommended for the PhastSystem, corresponds to 0.05–0.1 ng of protein per band. The method is applicable to both one‐ and two‐dimensional polyacrylamide gels.