Three types of mycolic acid from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Brévanne: implications for structure-function relationships in pathogenesis

Saponification of the chloroform-soluble wax from Mycobacterium tuberculosis Brévanne led to the isolation of three classes of mycolic acid containing characteristic functional groups along the methylene backbone: type alpha (two cyclopropane rings); type beta (methoxyl, methyl, and cyclopropane); and type gamma (ketone, methyl, and cyclopropane). The structures of these acids were elucidated principally by mass spectrometry. The high mass region of the keto mycolate is presented showing the meromycolal and molecular ion regions. This is first time a molecular peak for this mycolic acid has been reported. The structure of the keto mycolate was further substantiated by study of the mass spectral fragmentation of its dithioketal derivative. Within each type of acid, a series of homologs was encountered, varying according to the number of methylene units in the backbone chain. Chromatographic and infrared spectrophotometric evidence is presented for the alkali-induced isomerization of the three types of mycolates.