Radiofrequency-heated enhanced confinement modes in the Alcator C-Mod tokamak

Enhanced confinement modes up to a toroidal field of BT=8  T have been studied with up to 3.5 MW of radiofrequency (rf) heating power in the ion cyclotron range of frequencies (ICRF) at 80 MHz. H-mode is observed when the edge temperature exceeds a threshold value. The high confinement mode (H-mode) with higher confinement enhancement factors (H) and longer duration became possible after boronization by reducing the radiated power from the main plasma. A quasi-steady state with high confinement (H=2.0) , high normalized beta N=1.5) , low radiated power fraction (Pradmain/Ploss=0.3) , and low effective charge (Zeff=1.5) has been obtained in Enhanced Dα H-mode. This type of H-mode has enhanced levels of continuous Dα emission and very little or no edge localized mode (ELM) activity, and reduced core particle confinement time relative to ELM-free H-mode. The pellet enhanced performance (PEP) mode is obtained by combining core fueling with pellet injection and core heating. A highly peaked pressure profile with a central value of 8 atmospheres was observed. The steep pressure gradient drives off-axis bootstrap current, resulting in a shear reversed safety factor (q) profile. Suppression of sawteeth appears to be important in maintaining the highly peaked pressure profile. Lithium pellets were found to be more effective than deuterium pellets in raising q0 .