Effect of Ethrel on Growth and Stem Anatomy of Pinus Halepensis Seedlings

Ethrel (2 - chloroethylphosphonic acid) applied in lanolin paste at eoneentrations of 0.01, 0.10, or i % to stems of 12-month-old Pinus halepensis seedlings greatly altered the rate of growth and anatomy of stems within 60 days. Height growth was not affeeted but growth of bark and xylem tissues was greatly increased after treatment with ethrel at 0.10 or 1%. The thick bark was the result of inereased phloem production and more intercellular spaee. Increase in the amount of xylem resulted from production of more tracheids per radial file rather than an inerease in traeheid size. The highest coneentration of ethrel applied (1 %) stimulated inerease in the amount of ray tissue and production of longitudinal resin duets in the xylem. The role of ethylene in regulating differentiation of stem tissues is discussed. Ethrel (2 - chloroethylphosphonic acid) applied in lanolin paste at eoneentrations of 0.01, 0.10, or i % to stems of 12-month-old Pinus halepensis seedlings greatly altered the rate of growth and anatomy of stems within 60 days. Height growth was not affeeted but growth of bark and xylem tissues was greatly increased after treatment with ethrel at 0.10 or 1%. The thick bark was the result of inereased phloem production and more intercellular spaee. Increase in the amount of xylem resulted from production of more tracheids per radial file rather than an inerease in traeheid size. The highest coneentration of ethrel applied (1 %) stimulated inerease in the amount of ray tissue and production of longitudinal resin duets in the xylem. The role of ethylene in regulating differentiation of stem tissues is discussed.

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