Laparoscopic Orchiopexy: Clinical Experience and Description of Technique

We reviewed the experience, early followup and technique of laparoscopic treatment of the nonpalpable undescended testis at our institution. Charts of patients who underwent laparoscopic treatment of an intra-abdominal testis from September 1992 to October 1994 were reviewed. A total of 13 laparoscopic orchiopexies was performed on 11 children with nonpalpable undescended testes. In 10 cases sufficient length was gained on the spermatic vessels using laparoscopic dissection to perform tension-free orchiopexy without the need for division of the spermatic vessels. When localization of an intra-abdominal testis is confirmed, orchiopexy can be performed safely with minimal morbidity using a laparoscopic approach. Length of hospital stay and postoperative morbidity may be improved in comparison to traditional techniques.