Using computers for assessment in medicine

What is computer based testing? Computers are now regularly used to deliver, mark, and analyse student assessments.2 There are two main types of computer based testing. The type familiar to many students is where candidates fill in their responses on a paper form, which is fed into a computer optical mark reader. This reads the form, scores the paper, and may even report on the test reliability. The second type of computer based testing is where computers provide an assessment interface for students: they input their answers and receive feedback via a computer. Recommended reading Bull J, McKenna C . Blueprint for computer-assisted assessment. London: Routledge Falmer, 2003 Footnotes Contributors and sources PC wrote the article, prepared the survey of UK medical schools, and coordinated the literature review. BI conceived of the idea for the study with DS, contributed to writing the paper, and carried out a survey with PC of computer based training in UK medical schools. DS conceived of the idea for the paper with BI and contributed to both the literature review and the writing of the article. Funding None. Competing interests None declared.