PEP-II is a 2.2 km-circumference collider with a 2.1 A, 3.1 GeV positron ring (the low-energy ring) 1 m above a 1 A, 9 GeV electron ring (the high-energy ring); both rings are designed to allow an upgrade to 3 A. Since June 1997, we have had three runs totaling 14 weeks to commission the full HER, reaching a current of 0.75 A. Positrons were transported through the first 90 m of the LER in January 1998, with full-ring tests planned for the summer. This workshop provides a timely opportunity to review the design of the beam diagnostics and their performance, with an emphasis on what works, what doesn’t, and what we’re doing to improve it. This paper discusses: the synchrotron-light monitor, including both transverse imaging onto a CCD camera and longitudinal measurements with a streak camera; beam position monitors, with processors capable of 1024-turn records, FFTs, and phase-advance measurements; tune measurements with a spectrum analyzer, including software for peak tracking; measurements of both the total ring current and the charge in each bucket, for real-time control of the fill; and beam loss monitors using small Cherenkov detectors for measuring losses from both stored and injected beam.

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