Aluminum content of infant formulas used in Turkey

In the past few years, there has been an upsurge of interest in aluminum (Al) and human health. The well-recognized manifestations of systemic Al toxicity include fracturing osteomalacia, dialysis encephalopathy, and microcytic hypochromic anemia. The role of Al in causing childhood diseases is also becoming clearer, but the safe plasma level still remains to be determined in newborns, especially in premature newborns, implying that it should be kept low. Premature infants receiving iv fluid therapy show evidence of Al loading. Additionally, the infant-feeding mixtures, especially the soy-based infant formulas, tested may be a significant additional source of Al in the diet of infants with low birthweights, and in infants and in young children with impaired renal function. Careful clinical and biochemical monitoring is warranted to determine whether it will be necessary to eliminate Al contamination of both oral and parenteral preparations used in infants and children who may be at risk for Al intoxication. In this present study, the Al content of infant feeds was measured by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and also compared with those of breast milk, cow’s milk, milk powder, and some starches that are commonly used for preparation of infant feed in Turkey. Our results show that Al content of commercially available powdered infant formulas, most of which are imported from Europe, ranged from 1.211 to 10.925 μg/g. The mean value was higher than that of breast milk. It was also found that the Al content of cow’s milk in various containers was higher than that of breast milk. The highest Al level among cow’s milk samples was in the aluminized carton box. In the other products tested, such as milk powder, the starches contained Al at various levels. Among these, milk powder and rice flour contained a high level of Al.